Winter Waxing for Smooth Skin All Year
Waxing isn’t just for summer! If you’ve been thinking about starting a wax regimen, winter is the perfect time to start.
Yes, most of our body is covered during winter, but that’s actually the best part. Why? The first rule of thumb for waxing is that your hair must be at least ¼ of an inch long (about the length of the width of your pinky) for the wax to grip the hair and pull it out effectively. You can grow out your body hair under your winter layers and no one will see!

Benefits of Winter Waxing
Hair Growth Cycle
Consistency with winter waxing now can get your hair growth cycle in sync, leading to smoother, longer-lasting results by the time summer rolls around. When your hair grows in the same cycle, you should be able to extend the time between waxes. Confused? Let me explain.
There are four stages of hair growth:
- 1. Anagen phase (growing)
- 2. Catagen phase (transitioning)
- 3. Telogen (resting)
- 4. Exogen (shedding)

The best time to wax is during the Anagen phase— when your hair is actively growing. When we remove the hair from the follicle during this phase, the structures responsible for hair growth start to weaken over time. This means less regrowth!
If you wax during the final stage of hair growth, the Telogen phase, your wax results won’t last very long. A new Anagen hair is already starting to grow under the hair that’s about to shed.
For the best results, you need to stick with a regular waxing routine to catch the hair in the anagen phase. Waxing every 3-4 weeks during the winter helps sync your hair growth, so eventually, all of your hair will grow in at the same time instead of in random patches.
Less Hair Growth & Fewer Ingrowns
Since waxing removes hair at the root, hair follicles are weakened over time causing less hair growth. The hair eventually grows back thinner and finer. Consistent waxing will lead to slower growth, but not if you give your follicles a chance to heal during the winter.
Skipping regular waxing sessions or resorting to shaving between appointments can lead to blunted hair shafts, which are more likely to cause ingrown hairs. For smooth, soft regrowth and to avoid ingrowns, it’s important to keep up with waxing as part of your regular maintenance.
Waxing is also a form of exfoliation. When wax is removed from an area, it takes dead skin cells with it, leaving you with fresh, smooth skin. Getting rid of that build-up helps your moisturizers and oils work better, letting them sink in more effectively. It’s essential to keep your skin hydrated after waxing, and even more so in the winter when skin tends to be drier.
Start Waxing Today!
While many people cut back on services and spending in the winter, waxing during this season is one of the best ways to maintain smooth skin. If you’ve never tried waxing before, now is the time to start. It takes three or four sessions to fully adjust and see smooth, stubble-free skin.
Starting now gives you time to get your skin in its best shape. Regular winter waxing helps maintain progress and prevents setbacks, leaving you with smooth, hydrated skin and less hair growth over time. Schedule your appointment today!